Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, GCR, XRP) Investment Scope in Nepal – Scratch Your FUTURE

The title sounds funny for everyone, but wait, before you skip this post, have you heard about Bitcoin? Suppose, If you had invested some little amount in Bitcoin at the beginning of 2009, it would be around 1.8 lakhs times by now. For instance, if you somehow had managed to Rs. 1000 in 2009, it would be Rs. 18 crore ny now. Unbelievable right? Google speaks everything. I believe I have your attention now! So, I am not here to make you greedy as we hardly heard about bitcoin those days, but here I am to share some ideas about it and how it happened.

Bitcoin is a Cryptocurrency (Digital Currency). There are more then 600 Cryptocurrency like bitcoins, however bitcoin is first ever, and recently most expensive cryptocurrency and is often called mother of cryptocurrency. Here I will try to make this article as basic as possible so it will be easier for you to understand.

What is Cryptocurrency? | cryptocurrency in nepal

Cryptocurrency could be a digital or virtual cash designed to figure as a medium of exchange. There was time when people used to buy things by exchanging their stuffs, then coin and paper notes came into existence, and now it has evolved into plastic cards and ATMs. However, value of this money only exist in certain territory and country. Currency varies from country to country. However, cryptocurrency is sometimes called the future of money, as it is accepted worldwide where there is access to internet.

Examples of Cryptocurrency with per coin price (as on 15th of May, 2017):
Bitcoin (BTC) = $1715 per coin
GlobalCurrencyReserve (GCR) = $0.092 per coin
Ripple (XRP) = $0.24 per coin
Litecoin (LTC) = $27.70 per coin
Dogecoin (DOGE) = $0.00115 per coin etc.

How and in which cryptocurrency shall I invest? | bitcoin in nepal

If you are reading this, you probably have the question “How to invest?” and some might even google “How to sleep for 4-5 years without dying?”
Well calm down!!!!
Investing money in cryptocurrency in our age is multiplication of our money in unbelievable way because currency is going to another level sooner or later which would be more secure, easy and accepted globally. Investing in cryptocurrency is better idea then having bank balance in 6 digits. In every investment, there is little risk, but what if that risk has opportunities to make millions or do nothing changes in your life (I believe loosing 10-20 thousands wont make you bankrupt). Google is always waiting for you to for you, learn more before you invest.
Investing 1 Lakhs in Bitcoin 3 months ago would be 1.8 Lakhs now. Where would you get better turnover than this. However, I do not prefer to buy bitcoin as there are lots of cryptocurrency which are sky rocketing. I mean, I am not rich enough to invest 1.8 lakhs now to buy single bitcoin. I would prefer to search for cheap and better options. And at the end, I came up to conclusion, GlobalCurrencyReserve would be best of the best. GCR grew up by 492% in last 30 days, 737% in last 3 months and 2232% in last 12 months while it was only 52%, 80% and 300% for bitcoin respectively . This is highest growing rate than any other cryptocurrency. Currently, every single GCR would cost $0.092(less than Nrs.10). Not even a cigarette could turn into thousands!
In my case, I got 3300 GCR with only 50$ (Around Nrs. 5000) when per unit price was $0.015, so yes it is more than 6 times already in not more than 6 months.
Its could be expensive if you wanna buy cryptocurrency exchange with money as you have to pay lots of commission. There is lots of way to get start involving in cryptocurrency market, I would prefer P2P crowd funding. P2P crowd funding is a wave created by investors, to increase demand of the currency and ultimately growing the price of currency. This has great scopes for those who can create wave under them (referring other people in crowd funding). To get involved in this, you shall be referred by someone who is already in crowd funding. For example, if I refer you, you are under my wave, and you can refer only 4 other people. You can buy multiple accounts and be expert in P2P crowd funding and increase your cryptocurrency!

How to create Crowdfunding account? | Bitcoin nepal

To create P2P crowdfunding account, you need to invest bitcoin equivalent to 100$, so this would cost around 12 thousands Nepali Currency. 50$ for crowd funding and 50$ for GCR share. For example, if GCR rate today is $0.10 then, you will get, 500 GCR. 50$ rotates among the crowd funding. If you manage to create 4 people under your cluster, you will get 100$ bitcoin equivalent, which you again use to buy GCR. Here, Bittrex is the cryptocurrency bank where all the transactions takes place. You sell, deposit, or exchange cryptocurrency there. There are many terms you need to know about this P2P crowdfunding and bittrex. You can always ask more with your leader (Leader means to the person who refers you). Learn more by yourself, once you decide to get involved, I am always ready to help you and place you in my cluster. Feel free to contact me in Facebook, we can meet, know more about this and proceed.


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